It is so exciting to know that this event is an established annual calendar Junior Tennis Ratings event.

Thanks to Alison Hannah and Westside LTC continued support to host the tournament.
Saturday September 17th @ 10.30am… 16 boys turned up at the club on time to take part.

A high spirited intense play was immediately underway on 6 courts… the standard of competition very impressive… this went on without little break until 4pm… some very tired boys battling the last point out… some emotions getting stretched… But the 2 finalist stood out with terrific play and court control.

Congratulations to the

& many congratulations to the


We are so happy and proud for Scott and his memory and the Charity in his name. Thank you so much Alison for your time and care… (and thanks to Sarah and Trish for their help).
Stephanie and Wade.